
You don’t have to do this on your own

“I stopped short at the forest’s brink
Too dark to see, too scared to think -
Stranger in a strange land - spirit on the blink
Then gentle, gentle as ever,
You put out your hand,
We went on together
Two rafts of reed cannot sink
No matter the weight, no matter the weather…”


I’m here to offer you a safe space, where you can explore what you’re feeling, how you’d like to feel – and how to get there.

If you’re struggling with, for example, anxiety, feelings of guilt, or despair, overwhelm, lack of self-confidence, anguish, loss, poor sleep or self-sabotage – I’m here to help. 

Having worked for many years as a Person-Centred Counsellor, I now offer professional care and support using Bach Flower Remedies. 

I love to help people find their best ways to balance and blossom.

Much of my work is around pet bereavement, helping clients reach a place of ‘clean’ grieving, from which they can move on. 

I work with anyone looking to find ways to heal, grow, and thrive.

About Bach Flower Remedies

Yes. The Bach Flower Remedies are gentle, effective, are in drop form, and can be taken by all ages, including babies and the elderly. They can also be given to animals and plants. With no risk of overdose, and able to mix with almost all medication, they were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor who worked in bacteriology and pathology, and they can be purchased over the counter and health food shops, or online.

I offer a choice of ways of working with clients, including by phone, Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. Consultations are 90 minutes, and the fee includes posting your bespoke bottle of Remedies to you; I can offer you Remedies in a grape brandy preservative.
It’s often beneficial for us to see each other, as we can discuss the most helpful Remedies in ‘real time’. 
However, I do understand that there may not be a quiet place, or a safe space, in your home, and in these situations, email is our best way of communicating. I may have to email you a couple of times, to ask you some questions, before posting a bottle out to you. 
Your bottle is prepared with care in a hygienic environment, where I wear gloves and a mask.
Your bottle has a shelf-life of three weeks, and can be stored in the fridge when not with you.
If you already know which Remedies you require, I can post a bottle to you. The price for this is £20.00.
Consultations, and posting bottles without consultation, are pre-paid by bank transfer, details of which will you’ll receive when booking your appointment or requesting a bottle.
If what I offer isn’t quite right for you, I may be able to refer you to a colleague for counselling etc.

No. Some of my most delighted clients are those who were the most sceptical to begin with. What proved the Bach Flower Remedies to me was the transformation of behaviour of two dogs – the first from a state of terror to steady calm during a thunderstorm and the second, whose fear of travelling in a car resulted in uncontrollable salivation, vomiting and elimination, to being able to travel happily enough in the car. 

In each case, nothing more than the Remedies was given.

A consultation of 90 minutes, together with a bespoke bottle of up to 7 Remedies including P&P, is £70.00.
If you know which remedies you would like, and you don’t require a  consultation, the fee for your bespoke bottle is £20.00, including P&P.
Pre-payment is made through bank transfer, details of which will be given when you make an appointment/request.

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About Anji Baker

Find out about Anji Baker MA BFRP BCMA REG and discover how she can help you, either face-to-face, on the phone or via Zoom.

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Client care and support

Bach Flower Remedies are at the heart of Anji’s work with clients; there are 38 in all, each one linked to an emotional state.

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Pet bereavement care and support

Losing a beloved pet can be devastating. Anji provides a safe space in which to come to terms with and understand your loss.

“I felt very stuck, and didn’t know how to move forward in my life. So many things felt difficult and overwhelming, and I didn’t  know where to start. Anji listened kindly and carefully, and made up a bottle just for me, and helped more than I could’ve imagined. I now feel able to deal with challenges, and I have much more focus and va va voom.”

– CL

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