Pet bereavement care and support
Supporting clients through bereavement
The loss of a pet or companion animal can affect us in unexpected ways. Apart from the acute sadness and grief, clients can feel devastated, losing also routine, the ability to sleep, social connections with both humans and animals, and their sense of self. I provide a safe space in which all areas can be explored, and where all emotions are safely met.

I’ve sat with bereaved owners over many years, and know the depth of love people have for their animal companions, and how heartbreaking and devastating their loss can be.
Grief can sometimes totally hijack us, often with unexpectedly strong emotions, including guilt and regret, isolation and despair, rage and relief and blame. It can be a horrible, debilitating, and isolating mix.
I’m here to provide you with a safe space to acknowledge what you are experiencing, to give yourself time and focus, compassion and understanding.
Often no loss stands alone, and previous losses can arise, bringing up painful memories.
It’s truly never too late to start your journey of care and support.
Having worked in a small animal veterinary practice, I have an understanding of veterinary medicine, terminology, and procedures.
I work with veterinary professionals, to provide support and training in communication skills.
Clients say how much they’ve felt helped by the Remedies, especially in times of deep despair and isolation.
I also work with clients leading up to the planned euthanasia of their beloved pet or companion animal. This can really help with deep and difficult feelings, and sessions can include family members.
– AC
“The Remedies don’t take away the pain, but they do give you the strength to carry it.”
Support for veterinary professionals
As well as working with clients of veterinary practices, I also work with veterinary professionals. Consultations can be online and in person, and I can visit practices in Central Scotland.
I also offer workshops in communication skills and self-care for veterinary professional at all levels.
I have an understanding of the profession having worked in small animal practice for ten years.
We were the first practice to send out individual bereavement cards, of which I’m very proud.
My partner at the time was the veterinary surgeon, so I know both sides of the desk, and have insights into many aspects of the profession, including its rewards and its challenges.
My approach is non-judgemental, empowering, and supportive.
I’ll support you, and I’ll help you to help yourself.