About Anji

About Anji Baker


Growing up in Edinburgh was the best of both worlds – a busy, buzzing city, full of opportunities, and at the same time near enough the coast for me to develop a life-long love of the sea.

School here and in Suffolk had its share of challenges and successes, and I was fortunate to be able to attend Edinburgh University to do my MA during the final years of the student grant.

Having my family early meant that my daughter and I had – and continue to have – many adventures. She now has children of her own, and I’m aware of how lucky I am to spend time with them.

With regard to how I got into doing what I do, it was working in a small animal veterinary practice with my (then) partner, who was the vet, which opened my eyes to a whole new world!

In those days my role(s) included being a general and theatre nurse, anaesthetist, X-ray developer, cleaner, receptionist, laboratory assistant, kennel maid, and puppy party organiser. 

Exciting times!

Which could, as you can imagine, also be extremely sad.

Becoming aware of how pet bereavement and loss could affect clients led to me training in Person-Centred Counselling, and latterly to becoming a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner. 

And although I have worked in other areas, I realise that working with pet and companion animal owners is my ‘soul work’.

Being able to provide a safe and compassionate space where bereaved owners can be supported and thrive makes me feel both proud and humble.

When I’m not working, I love to spend time with family and friends, travel, read, explore old houses and gardens, be involved in art projects, and see as many live gigs as possible.

I’ve been without dogs for the last two years, but my name’s on the rehoming lists, and I hope to have a dog in my heart and on my hearth by the middle of next year. 

There’s much to look forward to – the love rolls on. 

And love is what it’s all about.

“Please give me those drops you gave me for my wedding – they really helped!”

– GF